Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Riley Farm
This was our 4th year going to Riley's Farm. It has become a tradition, starting when Jaxson was only 6 weeks old. We had a great time this year with many of our friends.
Posted by Jenn at 12:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Goblin Valley
Posted by Jenn at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Two Years Ago Tonight
Since we moved the twins into toddler beds, we've had a very difficult time getting them to bed. Tonight when I went into check on them, I found them how they where two years ago before they came into this world. I thought this was so fitting and cute too.
Posted by Jenn at 10:45 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thursday, March 04, 2010
A Break From the Rain!
Addi is becoming more and more girly every day. As her brothers were playing in the dirt, she just looked on. Even her movements are just more feminine.
Posted by Jenn at 1:18 PM 1 comments
With all the rain we've had this year, the kids have been aching to get out and play. They were so happy to get out when it finally stopped. We spent the afternoon out riding bikes and playing tag.
Posted by Jenn at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Hunger: Whats that!
While on the cruise, I got a little sea sick which I'd never experienced before. Another thing I didn't experience while on the cruise was hunger. We ate so much. For those of you who have gone on cruises before, you know that one night they do a midnight buffet. There is tones to eat and see. However, on this cruise I was way to stuffed to even enjoy the buffet.
Posted by Jenn at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Happy New Years!
It was so much fun being on the cruise for New Years. It felt like the whole ship was crammed into the little Promenade. They had a balloon drop at Midnight. We went dancing and stayed up late. It was beautiful to not have to wake early with kids. Although, we did miss them.
Posted by Jenn at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Day Two of the Cruise: Cabo
As soon as we got of the ship, we were standing on the dock when Chelsea screamed that something bit or stung her. Sure enough as I looked down a little critter was scurrying away and left their stinger behind in her foot. Her foot was swallon for days and she even went and saw the ship doctor. We had fun just enjoying the beautiful water and beaches of Cabo.
Posted by Jenn at 11:32 AM 2 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Mexician Riviera Cruise
Posted by Jenn at 10:32 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Holiday Cheer!

Posted by Jenn at 3:13 PM 3 comments
Thanksgiving in So Cal
The Beach in November. This is one of the many reasons why I love living in Southern California. We spent the day with my sister, Shauna, and her family at New Port. We had a great time. Jaxson even went in the water.

Jaxson makes friends where ever he goes. He found an older gentleman who was enjoying his afternoon at the beach by himself. He walked right up to him and started to talking. He didn't seem to mind Jaxson's company.

Posted by Jenn at 1:48 PM 2 comments