Happy Birthday Bubba!
I can't believe my little boy is already two. Last Monday I decided that I would give him a little birthday party. He loves Elmo so much that it made the theme very easy to complete the party planning. I found an Elmo cake mold that I was sure would not make it on time, but thanks to eBay it made it on time. This was the first time I've ever make anything like this. For those of you who know me well I'm not creative at all. That part of me never developed. So to have the cake turn out, on the first try, I was very proud.
I was sad not to get more pictures due to Addison. She has become quite a mama's girl and will not go to anyone else. I had envisioned how I wanted everything and the pictures I would take and it just didn't happen and now it is all over. I didn't even get pictures of his guests. I'm a little bummed. But we had a very good time and thanks to all the parents who took the pictures and video for me and Tyson.
Happy Birthday Jaxson! Jenn, I am so embarrassed that I never got back to you about swimming. We had been out of town for two and a half weeks and had just returned the day before I blogged you back. It has been crazy getting tim back in school, kennedy back on schedule and catching up from being out of town. I will call you soon...AND way to go on that cake! It looks awesome :)
Happy Birthday Jaxson! Wow, 2 already, where does the ime go??!! I'm very impressed with the cake...good job! Bummer about the dairy allergy..that must be a pain.
HEY! So glad we finally touched base and linked up our family blogs! And sorry, but if you happen to need any little headbands for that little gal of yours my wife sells them! (so tell all your friends about the website too!..hehe) Anyway, here is the link to our blog and the headband site:
Vincent Family: http://devinvincentfamily.blogspot.com/
All Dolled Up Baby Girl Headbands:
Well, we hope all is well and hope again to chat soon! Cute family by the way!
Good Job Jenn!! You did great on the cake!!!!! Happy Birthday Jaxon! It looked like you had a great time!!
Love you all!
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