Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween- lets go banana's

We wanted to keep Halloween simple this year, so Jaxson went as a BYU football player and boy did he look cute. The twins went as a bunch of bananas. I think they were the cutest bananas a mom could ask for. They didn't seem to mind the costumes to much until they covered their faces. Enjoy the pics.
Papa Ellis and Carson. My dad was by him self most of the month. My mom was only home five days in the month of October. We tried to include him as much as possible so he would get lonely.
This is Tyson and Clint Bartlett tossing Jaxson and Jack up as high as possible. Who knew Tyson could through him so high. I was happy to take the pictures, so I would focus on how high both boys were. As soon as they landed safely in their daddy's arms they would yell "again, again."

Moms gone bananas.

The whole bunch of us.

Jaxson was suppose to eat a donut hanging from a string without using his hands. He was having a hard time so he finally grabbed and pushed it in his mouth. Then spitting it right back out. He doesn't like cake, cookies, brownies, etc. I wish I had that problem.

Addison. She looked so funny with her binky in.

Jaxson loved bobbing for apples. He really just wanted to play in the water and splash people.



adventure knitter said...

Hey! Cute kids! Love the bananas! fye, be careful with having your babies use those binkies...lately every baby I know who's been using has been having teeth problems...random, i know...especially since those are the ones they hand out in the hospital. but just thought i'd pass that along.

The Cahoons! said...

Addison's binky looks like the sticker on the banana! Those boys were really high in the air, I wonder if Tyson and Clint were sore the next day! I love all the pictures, it's so fun to see your children dressed up for Halloween!

The George's said...

Looks like you have been busy. i love the bananas. Jaxson looks great as a BYU player.