Saturday, May 23, 2009

One Year Pictures

I've always wanted pictures of the babies in their diapers, but Tyson hates them. So when he told me I could pick the pictures and he walked away this was what I got.

The keys

We should be getting the keys to the house by Wednesday. We are so excited!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Once again this is primarily for the Grandparents. We were having a converstation while I recorded this. He was playing peek a boo with the table cloth.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

This is really for the Grandparents up in Utah. The commentary is not anything to listen to so you can leave off the volume if it isn't already on. I thought Addison looked so cute I just had to post it.

Happy Birthday Addison and Carson!!!

We had a wonderful birthday party for the twins. We did something small, but we enjoyed it none the less. The twins loved loved loved loved the birthday cake. Enjoy the photos.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Jaxson and TV

My poor boy. He watches to much TV. On days when the twins sleep well I just relish in the idea of getting all I need to get done and that I can do it without him getting under my feet. He is currently watching Alice in Wonderland holding his blanket, but the laundry is getting done.

When we move he is going to have a rude awaking because we wont have TV. We will have a DVD player, but it will be upstairs and I will be down stairs. He likes to be where I am, so we will see how this goes.

I hope all everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day. I was so proud of the kids because they had a great Sunday and I actually got to listen to the speakers in church. We had three great talks. McCall Paker, a young women from our ward, spoke how grateful she is to mothers and all the work they do. She and all the young women came over about four months ago to see what bed time is like with young children. She opened her talking referencing this activity and said "After helping Sister Broderick with her three kids I realized I'm NOT ready for motherhood. Who would have known giving three kids bathes would have been so much work." However, she did say she still wants to be a mother so that made me feel a little better.

Another speaker reminded me of my Nana. She lived with us my whole life and she was a wonderful women and an inspiration. Me and my brothers and sisters were blessed to have here live with us.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Lemon Festival

A few weeks ago Upland held their annual Lemon Festival. We had never gone before, so we thought we'd check it out. We walked around for awhile and saw a few interesting things and people. They had two large elephants that you could ride for $5.00 per person for a 1-2 minute ride. We opted not for the elephant ride, but watched for some time. We then saw mini horses that you could ride and we knew there was no way we could pass on that one. Jaxson had so much fun. He wore his proud smile with head held high and just walked round and round in circles. When the girl went to take him off I thought he was going to pitch a fit, but he didn't. He waited until we got him back in his stroller. We had a good time.

We tried to get Jaxson to go to the restroom before we left as we are still working on potty training. He fervently said no, so we started home. About two blocks later he said "mommy pee pee." We thought it was to late so we continued home. We just kept telling him to hold it and he did. When we got home he had wet a little, but he made it to the potty. We were so proud.